Joy of Pursuit—Practical Solutions for Small Business Success.

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Why Core Values Matter: Building a Strong, Authentic Company Foundation

​​Core values are often misunderstood as superficial or unnecessary fluff, merely decorative elements on a company website. However, this perception is far from the truth. When core values are accurately identified, clarified, implemented, and protected, they become the cornerstone of your business. These values form the foundation of your company culture, guiding every action from marketing strategies to hiring decisions. They are the deeply ingrained principles that shape your company's identity and drive its success.

Identifying: Beyond Aspirations

The first step in establishing meaningful core values is distinguishing between core and aspirational values. While aspirational values represent what you aim to achieve in the future, core values are intrinsic qualities that already exist within your team and drive your purpose. These values are not hopeful dreams but reflect the principles you and your exemplary team members live by daily.

To begin identifying your core values, observe the standout qualities in your most dedicated and effective team members. Seek input from these key players, but avoid involving every employee, as not all may embody the desired values. The insights from your top performers, those whose attributes you wish to replicate, will help pinpoint your core values.

Authenticity is crucial when selecting core values. Only choose values you are committed to upholding. This requires a thorough and honest self-assessment and accountability. Insincere or hollow values can lead to cynicism and harm your company culture more than having no values at all.

Clarifying: From Words to Actions

Once you’ve identified potential core values, it’s time to define them clearly. Think about the behaviors that exemplify each value. Core values should be more than just buzzwords; they need to translate into daily actions that reflect your team’s purpose and existence.

These clarified statements should resonate with your entire team, attracting those who share your values and deterring those who don’t. Core values should not be mere minimum standards but should distinctly set your business apart from the competition.

Take your time finalizing these values. Reflect on them, sleep on them, and make necessary adjustments before moving forward.

Implementing: Embedding into Culture

Effective implementation of core values is essential to fostering a positive company culture. Poor implementation can sour your culture, so don't just list these values on your website. Instead, develop a comprehensive plan to integrate them into every aspect of your business.

Communicate your core values clearly and consistently to your team—from the initial interview to the final day of employment. Explain how these values will influence evaluations, rewards, compensation, hiring, and firing decisions. Team satisfaction will increase when they know what to expect and understand the metrics used to measure success.

Your core values are more than words; they must be consistently reinforced through actions. Regular reminders and demonstrations that there is no gap between what you're saying and what you're doing will build trust and a healthy, solid culture for your business. By putting action behind your words, you ensure that your core values remain the driving force of your company, guiding every decision and action.

Protecting: The Ultimate Commitment

Protecting your core values is a continuous process. It involves making difficult decisions, such as disciplining or firing employees who do not align with your values, rejecting business partnerships with misaligned entities, and not hiring highly skilled candidates who lack your core values. It also means staying focused on your purpose and avoiding distractions, no matter how enticing they may be.

This commitment to protecting your core values requires discipline and can be challenging. It involves maintaining accountability, which is often painful and opens leaders to criticism. Effective leadership demands open communication and a willingness to listen to feedback from the team.

The Foundation of Success

Core values are the most critical part of your business. They are the foundation of your brand and the driving force behind your company's success. Upholding and protecting your core values fosters a strong culture, leading to a satisfied team and a healthy bottom line.

By identifying, clarifying, implementing, and protecting your core values, you build a resilient and thriving company culture. This not only enhances team satisfaction and retention but also differentiates your business in a competitive market, ensuring long-term success.

Looking for more information on how to incorporate core values into your employee journey and boost retention?  Check out The Team Solution Series: HR Coaching to Grow Teams and Profit.

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Pursuing your small business goals can be challenging.
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