Joy of Pursuit—Practical Solutions for Small Business Success.

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HR Processes for Small Businesses

It’s not unusual for small businesses to grow so rapidly that the development of HR processes isn’t given the time or attention it deserves. There is an attempt to build some processes as you go, but it seems like a constant struggle with being reactive to what is happening with your team instead of proactive. The lack of processes will eventually catch up with you and be detrimental to your team and company. 

Your team is the most important asset of your company. And investing in your team will produce a viable return. An integral component of this investment is creating systems and processes that support the employee journey. When you support your team in this way, they will be better equipped and motivated to support your company goals. It’s a win-win for everyone!

When reflecting on your company’s HR processes, how do you feel you measure up? 

  • Do you have a team handbook with vacation policies and other essential information? 

  • Are annual reviews neglected or seem like a waste of time? 

  • Do you have new hire orientation curriculum? 

  • Are things chaotic when someone resigns? 

    These are just a few of the many items to consider with your HR. When consulting with companies to implement HR processes, we often find that business leaders are overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. The answer to where to start depends on your individual business and what your most immediate needs are. To simplify it, we break the employee journey down into four pillars:

  • Hiring

  • Onboarding

  • Retention

  • Exits

Each pillar is equally as important. Focusing on one to start with will seem more manageable for you and your team. After one is built with a solid foundation, you can move on to the next one. 

These pillars are the basis of our books in The Team Solution Series, as well as, the private consulting we do. And now, we have created a new resource for those who want a guide to step them through the processes, but need to work at their own pace. We have developed a four-part course, the HR Course for Small Businesses. You can invest in each of the four pillars individually for $47.99 or all four parts bundled for $129.99 (over $60 savings!).

This course provides simplified processes and thirty-eight easy-to-use tools to implement efficient HR practices for your small business. We deliver practical and effective methods that will improve team engagement, communication, and culture, and in return, you will see positive results to your company’s bottom line. It’s that win-win situation, we mentioned before!

Each pillar is segmented into multiple modules focused on one topic at a time—decreasing the overwhelming feeling of where to start and how to do it all and increasing employee satisfaction, and productivity.

This course is the perfect example of how investing in your company’s processes also means you are investing in your people. When you build a culture of worth in your company you create a solid foundation that will grow with you as you work toward your business goals. Whether you’ll be the one taking the course, or your designated HR representative, starting today will bring you one day closer to clear processes your team deserves and you desire.

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Welcome to Joy of Pursuit!
Pursuing your small business goals can be challenging.
Whether you are a company of one or have a team, I can assist you with building the small business of your dreams.

Meet Amanda

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