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5 Signs You Need HR Support Now

Many small and growing businesses lack the resources to have a dedicated HR team member.  Navigating the minefield of employee relations and employee benefits can be tough. It’s common for the HR duties to fall to another team member (along with their other job duties), be divided among the leadership team, or be handled by the business owner—none of these being HR experts. While this can be tempting (and cost-effective), sooner or later, it is usually necessary to look outside of your company for qualified HR support. 

Having an HR expert on your team provides a variety of opportunities to maximize success. From hiring and onboarding, to talent management and development, to employee engagement and more, well-implemented HR processes can help move your business forward. However, it’s important to recognize the signs HR support is needed and to take action. Understanding these signs and tips will help small business owners and entrepreneurs make informed decisions on when and how to secure HR help.

Here are 5 signs that you need HR support

  1. Increasing Employee Relations Issues: If you notice a rise in employee relations issues such as conflicts, complaints, or grievances, it may be a sign that your small business needs HR support. HR professionals are trained to handle employee relations matters and can help resolve conflicts, address complaints, and maintain a healthy work environment.

  2. Employee Recruitment Challenges: If your small business is struggling to attract and select top talent it may be time for outside HR support. HR professionals can assist with developing effective recruitment strategies, conducting interviews and candidate screening, and choosing the best applicant for your company. 

  3. Poor Retention Rates: Employee turnover is costly, and can spiral out of control. If you are struggling to retain top talent, it is likely that you need HR guidance. Implementing a proactive retention program will keep your employees engaged, motivated, and committed to your company.

  4. Lack of Employee Policies and Procedures: Having well-defined policies and procedures in place is critical for leading employees and maintaining consistency in the workplace. If your small business lacks clear policies and procedures, it can lead to confusion, inconsistency, and potential legal risks. HR professionals can help develop and implement comprehensive HR policies and procedures that align with best practices and protect your business.

  5. Growth and Expansion: If your small business is growing or expanding, it's essential to have HR support in place to manage the increased workload and complexities associated with a growing workforce. HR professionals can help with workforce planning, organizational development, talent management, and performance management to ensure smooth growth and expansion without compromising on compliance, employee relations, and other HR-related matters.

It's crucial to be aware of the above signs and evaluate your HR needs regularly. Be proactive instead of reactive. By recognizing the signs that you need HR support and quickly taking action, you can ensure your team is properly supported and your business is moving forward. Taking the necessary steps to invest in HR now can ensure a more successful business in the future. 

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to determining when it's time to bring in HR help. But, if your team is feeling overwhelmed, confused, and unsupported, it's a sign that you need to reassess your organizational structure and consider bringing in an HR professional. By strategically deploying HR functions, you can equip your staff with the support they need to succeed and watch your business thrive.

If you’re noticing any of these signs of needing HR support, now is the time to take action—and we’re here to help. Our HR for Small Businesses Course is an affordable option for those who want to work at their own pace. If you’re ready for support that is tailored specifically to your company, book a one-on-one consultation today.

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