HR Is More Than A Department 

When we think of HR, a few things immediately come to mind—hiring, complaints, disciplinary action, and firing. Most people tend to not have a warm fuzzy feeling when they think about HR because they only think of the administrative functions of the Human Resources Department—the paperwork, the employee files, the bad news…

But the reality is HR is much more than an administrative department and plays a significant role throughout your company. HR is the human component of the entire company. It’s how humans interact within a company. Maybe we should change “resources” to “relations?” The Human Relations Department is a much more encompassing title. 

While hiring and firing are absolutely a part of HR, the employee experience is increasing in importance. Due to technological innovations and remote work opportunities employees have more options for where they work. This requires companies to be more competitive with what they have to offer their employees. The employee experience matters.

Now is the time for business leaders to acknowledge the importance of HR in all business aspects. Important decisions should be made through the HR lens. Company objectives and strategies should take the human component into consideration. While companies are adding robots and technology, companies are still employing humans. Companies are becoming more human. There is a shift in how we speak about employees collectively. Have you noticed the change in verbiage? The word “labor” is now frequently replaced with “talent.” 

Thriving businesses create an employee experience that is fulfilling. Strong business leaders understand that their employees have value and worth. They are not robots or just cogs in a wheel. They possess real talent and unique skills and want to be recognized for it. 

The bottom line is this—your team is the most important investment of your company. Therefore, don’t neglect the human component of day-to-day operations. It’s how we interact, communicate, praise, reward, motivate, engage, and provide feedback.

Here are four ways HR can be a part of your company’s overall strategic development. 

  1. Allow HR to listen, consistently. Don’t wait to include HR when there is a problem. HR can be the prevention. Inviting HR to have a seat on the Leadership Team will provide the opportunity for them to fully understand department goals, team needs, and identify patterns of behavior (both good and bad). With this knowledge, HR can anticipate hiring needs, training opportunities, or disciplinary action. 

  2. Don’t silo HR from big company decisions. Include HR when strategizing. Developing and launching a new product? Transitioning to new project management software? All of this will impact your team. Include HR in these discussions. Their insight into the people component will improve how your team responds to big initiatives. HR can help drive company decisions for more successful implementation.

  3. Involve HR in the entire employee journey—far beyond hiring. Yield to them to provide expertise regarding employee engagement. Employee engagement is critical to retention and a successful business. Who at a company has the best knowledge and skills on how to engage employees? HR. When leadership gains insight from HR they are better equipped to bring the best out in their employees and reduce staff turnover rates. HR can provide leaders with the tools and strategy to engage and empower their employees, build a team, and create a culture of worth. 

  4. The final component is that the entire company leadership has to be a champion for HR. Even the healthiest HR practices will come to a halt when put against a leadership team (or team member) who refuses to get on board. And then toxicity spreads. Making HR a priority is critical. Your leadership team needs to see the value. Until this happens, progress will be stalled. 

Focusing on HR can change the trajectory of your business. It can transform culture and reputation. Again, your team is the most valuable asset of your company. When you invest in your team and create a culture of worth, your team in turn will invest themselves in making your company a success.

Team success = business success.

Want to learn more about how to improve your company by focusing on your people? Our HR Course for Small Businesses is the tool to get you started. Invest in your team today and positive returns will follow.

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