Joy of Pursuit—Practical Solutions for Small Business Success.

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Winning in the Marketplace Starts with 3 Foundational Items

To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace. —Doug Conant

How do we win in the workplace? Is it a grand vision? Impressive business plan? Top-of-the-line technology? Innovative products?

While each of the above items is beneficial, they are worthless without a team to support or implement them. Winning in the workplace actually comes down to our people. Your team is the most valuable asset your company has. 

A winning team is how you win in the workplace. Attracting and retaining this team should be a top priority for all business leaders. So, how do you attract and retain the right people? 

It all comes down to workplace culture. 

Culture is a bit of a buzzword when it comes to the workplace right now. A growing number of business leaders are discovering how critical culture is to remain competitive and create success. And with work opportunities skyrocketing, employees aren’t tolerating toxic culture and are leaving for greener pastures. 

So, how do you create a healthy culture? It isn’t about free pizza on Tuesdays or casual Fridays. Perks can help and play a supporting role, but the true foundation comes down to worth, relationships, and operations. Here are three items that make an impact. 

  1. Core Components—This is the Mission, Purpose, Core Values, Brand Uniques, and Vision of the company. Identifying and naming this isn’t enough. The components must be understood, implemented, embodied, and prioritized by everyone, especially company leadership. 

  2. Communication—All team members know who to contact when, and how, and have all the information needed to be successful in their roles. Feedback is given and received regularly. Great effort is made to communicate clearly and effectively.  

  3. Structure—Are the foundational operations of the business established and processes adhered to? Your team should be prepared with the tools, training, and time needed to accomplish tasks. The team is working in a proactive mindset instead of a reactive one.

Before you can work towards creating a culture of worth in the workplace, you have to assess the current situation. How do you feel your company measures up to the above items? Your opinion on this matters, but it isn’t enough to be the sole person to assess your culture. Everyone who is a part of the team needs to have the opportunity to share their thoughts, and here are three reasons why:

  1. Uniqueness—As humans, we all have different perspectives and experiences. It’s critical to company culture to hear and take these into account. 

  2. Assumptions—This is the mother of all mistakes. If we assume all is going well and we don’t ask, we are very likely coming to the wrong conclusion. 

  3. Complacency—when we don’t ask for input or perspective from our team, they can become complacent. They will feel that their opinions aren’t valued. They are less engaged and more likely to leave. 

But here is the most important component to all of this: DO NOT ask for input from your team regarding your company culture unless you intend to act on the input given. Asking for input and then ignoring it is worse than not asking at all. 

Show your team that you truly want to assess your culture and that you are committed to improvements. When your team sees this they will become invested and committed. This increased employee engagement leads to lower turnover rates, higher productivity, and ultimately greater revenue—all leading your company to win in the marketplace. 

Start today by having your team take the Workplace Culture Assessment. This will give you a grasp of your current culture and help identify changes and improvements that need implementation.

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Pursuing your small business goals can be challenging.
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