Create A Process For Your Business

“Focus on people, not processes,” is a phrase often heard in the business world, especially when it comes to Human Resources. While we agree that all companies should be more people-focused, the ability to do that well must actually begin with processes. 

Processes allow for efficiency, reduce errors, provide guidance, and support growth. Well-developed processes will improve the human component when implemented and followed consistently. 

Without processes, there is chaos.

From our experience working with small businesses and start-ups, HR tends to be the most overlooked department. We know the success of all businesses is dependent on their people; therefore, companies should dedicate more effort and resources to the employee journey. But many small businesses don’t know where to start or are scaling so rapidly that they resist slowing down long enough to put structure in place. This is where the inspiration to create The Hiring Process began. We wrote the book based on strategies we developed to implement much-needed structure into companies that were lacking. The book then turned into a four-part series, The Team Solution Series: HR Coaching to Grow Teams and Profit

In each book of the Team Solution Series, we provide a toolbox with worksheets, checklists, surveys, forms, et cetera to guide in implementing the process specific to that book. In The Hiring Process, we utilized an Interview ScoreCARD to provide structure and consistency when interviewing candidates for a position. 

We then adjusted this ScoreCARD to be useful for other parts of the employee journey. We adapted this interview tool to be applicable to onboarding, quarterly and annual meetings, and employee exit. Every ScoreCARD includes the components: Culture, Ability, Role, and Desire. But the questions and focus are changed to be beneficial to the corresponding topic. Each book in The Team Solution Series includes a specific ScoreCARD as a tool and part of its process. We replicated the tool to be part of the foundation of the next process being built. 

That’s the beauty of a process.

Once defined and established, it can likely be modified to conform to another need, just as we did with the ScoreCARD above. When searching for a solution, you often don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Look at what processes you have in place and are working well. Revise them to be applicable to other situations, departments, or challenges. 

Once processes are working like a well-oiled machine, chaos is reduced and efficiency is improved. Then, you will have the capacity to focus on people—employees, colleagues, and clients—which will make a significant impact on your business. 

What processes do you already have in place that can be adapted? Maybe you have the beginning of one, but just need to expand on it. Think about what processes you have or do that are repeatable. It could be as simple as a form, template, or checklist. Examine how you can adjust the steps and make them applicable to other needs. 

What challenges are you facing with your team or business? What can you implement to allow time to focus more on people and relationships?

Let’s talk solutions! Join us on June 9th at 1:30 Eastern, 12:30 Central. We’ll be going live on Facebook in celebration of releasing The Exit Process, our final book in The Team Solution Series. Come be a part of the conversation to learn more about The Team Solution Series and how it can help you and your team be more people-focused. 

The entire Team Solution Series is now available on Amazon. Order yours today!

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